Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference - EPREC 2020, Online. 29-30 mayo 2020
This paper outlines some electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests according to the acknowledged international standards, and some causes of and solutions of the problem of electromagnetic interference. The EMC stability of several electric energy meters widely distributed in the Slovak electricity distribution system was tested in the EMC chamber Comtest EMC 1710-1. The experimental results of the study of electromagnetic interference influence on power meters’ error are obtained and analyzed, and probable reasons for failure of immunity tests and recommendations to avoid failures are given.
Palabras clave: Electromagnetic compatibility; Electromagnetic interference; Electronic meter; Smart meter; Immunity; Emissions; Power electronics; Testing
Publicado en Control applications in modern power system, pp: 325-333, ISBN: 978-981-15-8814-3
Fecha de publicación: 2020-05-29.
I. Diahovchenko, B. Dolník, Electromagnetic compatibility of electric energy meters in the presence of directional contactless electromagnetic interference, Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference - EPREC 2020, Online. 29-30 mayo 2020. En: Control applications in modern power system: select Proceedings of EPREC 2020, ISBN: 978-981-15-8814-3